Category Archives: News

My Body the Battlefield

New Years resolutions often bring a desire and commitment to hit the gym, lose some holiday weight, and start some healthy habits. Have you ever wondered why it is that the natural proclivity of our bodies is to turn to mush? It may not be genetics as much as it is spirit. Scripture speaks about

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Work Smarter

Does it ever feel like you are working incredibly hard but not getting anywhere? Simply working harder is probably not the answer. There are those who say ‘work smarter’ meaning be more efficient. And this can be helpful. Changing my priorities to address things that are important and in my control can produce significant results.

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Peace and Prosperity

When we need God can we trust Him to provide? We often come to God in times of great stress, when our world is collapsing around us and we pray.  We trust that He hears us, but will He do anything?  We know that we are NOT supposed to be anxious, but rather trust that

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