Mission Giving


The NAJO mission is moving very quickly!

The Miyamotos have been incredibly busy connecting with many people throughout our region.  Their schedule is often packed with home Bible studies, visiting churches and developing new relationships.

We are looking for more people who would be willing to support this mission.  Please prayerfully consider:

  1. Committing to regularly praying for NAJO
  2. Financially supporting NAJO or
  3. Participating in some of the NAJO activities

Financially, much of the mission is supported through the incredible sacrifice of many individuals and churches throughout Japan.  In addition, some of the financial resources are coming from local (American) individuals and churches who are committing to this incredible partnership.  Specifically, the local (American) budget is about $20,000 a year.

If you would like to support the NAJO mission you can either download the commitment card (NAJO giving card) and mail in a donation or use paypal by selecting the Donate button on the right side of this website.

Thank y0u for all your support!

Read the rest here: Mission Giving

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