I Want it Now

To deny oneself is the worst of all sentences in today’s narcissist culture. It is driving almost everything and is, at its core, in violent opposition to the way of Christ.

I Want it Now!

Veruca Salt portrays what was once an avoided Vice but has now become the anthem of much of our world.

The antidote to this cancer is a very simple idea which is simultaneously extremely difficult to apply… self-denial. To deny oneself is essential if one is to ever have a truly fulfilled life. But this is not an easy path, especially in today’s world.

Not only do we have our broken flesh that constantly demands immediate gratification but we also have a culture that preaches a religion of self.

For instance as an over eater, it’s one thing to struggle with a nagging and at times overwhelming urge for a donut. But it is an entirely different battle when the culture indoctrinates you into thinking that your donut is actually a good thing and to deny yourself that donut is to deny your truth. And furthermore anyone who might suggest that eating too many donuts is bad for you is to be ignored, shunned, or destroyed.

You Deserve a Donut Buffet …

Now insert – booze, marijuana, sex, money, gender, my truth, my shoes, my home, my cars, my retirement, my vacations…. The cult of self is working in over-drive. And yet at the center of our spiritual journey is a completely foreign even hostile concept of self-denial.

On Yom Kippur, the Bible instructs us to “deny ourselves” (Leviticus 16:29). In the Jewish tradition, this refers to five specific restraints: we don’t eat or drink, wash our bodies, beautify ourselves with creams and cosmetics, engage in marital relations, or wear leather shoes. Why are these denials such an integral part of this holy day?


There is something powerful in this tradition. Similar to the spiritual practice of fasting, to deny oneself is to reorient me in the proper relationship with God.

Jesus continues this same call,

“Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:38‬ ‭NIV‬‬

There is no greater call to self-denial than the cross. This at its core is a readjustment of life, my life is not my own. I am not God. It is not my sacred right to satisfy every craving and fulfill every feeling. And I need other followers of Christ to walk with me and encourage me to deny myself everyday.

The call to the cross is an intentional turning of my focus from self to God and others. The call to repentance is the act of turning away from my narcissistic life.

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