New Years is often a time of reflection and reorientation. I look back at the year past, it’s events and my path through them. And I look forward to a, yet unwritten, page of tomorrow committing to react, engage, and thrive in my story.
In this transition of our greatest and most relentless demarcation of life where is Joy?
Scripture says I need to have joy or rejoice always.
But how is such a thing possible. My emotions, my demeanor, my outlook on life so dominate my mood. If I pause I can generate a long list of joy bandits that can literally suck the joy out of my life. But scripture seems to say that my joy is not dependent on such circumstances. Rather joy is a natural byproduct of my life rooted in Christ. Joy is a fruit produced by a life grafted into light of the Lord.
A branch does not work hard at or study to learn how to produce fruit. A branch merely operates as the display or offering of the amazing work done deep within the plant.
Joy is a fruit produced by God, in God, that I have the blessing to present to the world. Joy is not fleeting or easily stolen but is an abundant, life giving nourishment.
The command to rejoice always comes with greater instruction leading me to the incredible revelation that this choice to live in joy is in reality a choice to live in Christ. For it is my loving the God who is near, who listens, who is faithful, who provides that I find I am simply given this beautiful gift of joy.
If joy has been a scarce resource or tenuous event I must shift my attention from the circumstances to the relationship. The world offers joy but it is never sustaining. Like a cheep sugar rush that leaves one hungover, the world’s joy provides a fleeting experience never satisfying and always demanding more. These experiences are rooted in a misplaced faith. Joy, true joy, lasting joy, deep joy can never be found in the created but only in the creator. Therefore, if my joy is lacking, I must look to my connection with the vine. My hope, my faith, my truth, my life must be rooted in Christ. The lack of joy can be directly attributed to the lack of connection with Jesus, a red flag requiring repentance.
I have found that when I desire this joy, it is pointless to seek it, but rather I must seek its source. The God who loves me, who sent His son that I might have life in all its abundance, will produce His joy in me. So, I repent, turn away from the lies and toxic substitutes and commit my life to Jesus. Then I patiently wait on the Lord and He will produce His everlasting joy in me.