Often the one who is most critical of me is the one who stares back at me in the mirror.
Sin, inadequacy, guilt, failure, and misplaced expectations are a few of the heavy burdens that we lay on ourselves. These self-condemning forces can destroy us from the inside out. The voice, often my voice, my heart, constantly reminds me that I am not good enough.
There is a time and place for reflection and even shame. Sin must be identified and purified, but by whom and how? A heart that is rooted in Christ will condemn actions that are sinful, that are destructive, and evil. But the devil, whom is also known as the accuser, takes the opportunity to like on and instead of leading to repentance and freedom can often twist this to resignation and self-loathing.
But Jesus sets us free from this death spiral. God is greater than this condemnation and His love never fails, never ends, never abandons. He knows everything including the amazing person He created and the blessed future that awaits.
So start today by looking in the mirror with eyes opened by God. Repent from the sin and lies that destroy and accept that love and promise God provides.