Weekly Scriptures

Woman Writing in Daily PlannerBelow is the current schedule for our Sunday gatherings.  We believe that each person who spends time prayerfully studying the texts will grow internally and have something significant to offer the rest of the community.  Therefore, we are encouraging everyone to engage each text prior to our weekly gathering.  Spend your time preparing as if you were going to have to teach this to someone else or to our entire community.  Watch what happens.  We think you will be wonderfully surprised!

We will post different resources online, but also encourage you to share what you are using to help.  This may include different websites, books, study methods, or prayer practices.  Listen to the Spirit and talk to your friends.  There are a wealth of resources at our fingertips!

3/22/15 Acts 16

3/29/15 Matt 21:1-11

4/5/15  Easter Texts

4/12/15 Acts 17

4/19/15 Acts 18

4/26/15 Acts 19



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